Tort CasesWrongful Death, Personal Injuries, and Medical Malpractice ResultsCase involving an alleged failure to maintain an airway post carotid endarterectomy resulting in an anoxic brain injury in a middle aged man.
Contract ClaimsWAGE ACT CLAIM – Case involves claim brought by employee against employer and owner of company for failure to pay earned wages. The trial resulted in verdict for Plaintiff and an award of attorney’s fees.
HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT – Case involving claim against General Contractor for renovations to a hospital. MASSACHUSETTS PACKAGE STORES DISPUTE - Case involving dispute between members of the Massachusetts Package Stores Association over control of the organization. HOME CONTRACTOR DISPUTE – Representing home owner against Home Contractor who allegedly failed to perform work in a professional and workmanlike manner. HOME CONTRACTOR DISPUTE – Represented builder alleged to have performed construction in a negligent manner. DISCHARGE OF CORPORATE OFFICER – Representing Plaintiff Corporation in case involving discharge allegations of financial abuse by an officer/employee and retrieval of corporate shares from that individual. PARTNER’S DISPUTE –Case involving the representation of surviving Defendant/Partner in dissolution of a law firm in which the Plaintiff/Attorney claimed to be owed money from one of his former law partners. CONTRACT DISPUTE – Case involving contract dispute between licensor and licensee of facilities located throughout the country for the sale of durable medical equipment. PETITION FOR PARTITION REAL ESTATE – Case involving dispute between co-owners of Boston apartment building as to the parties’ respective ownership interests. CREDIT CARD DISPUTE – Case involving dispute with Bank of America over disputed credit card charges. EMPLOYMENT DISPUTE – Case involving dispute between employee and employer over the terms and conditions of a benefit package. DISCHARGE OF CO-OWNER – Case involving the termination and discharge of a co-owner for allegations of misconduct. SEVERANCE PAY DISPUTE – Case involving claim that member of foreign corporation was owned severance under the terms and conditions of his employment contract. Miscellaneous & Unique CasesMisc. – Mental Health Matters – Representation of individuals involved in mental health commitment matters.
Divorce – Divorce Consultations – Consultations for individuals considering divorce Probate & Family Court – Will Contest – Cases involving allegations of improper distribution of the property of an estate Misc. – Representation of a father improperly accused of the abuse of this son Misc. – Witness Representation – Representation of witnesses typically deposition witnesses in various civil litigation matters. Criminal – Juvenile Representation – Representation of juveniles in juvenile court. Misc. – Board of Registration representation. Consultation to and representation of professionals, i.e., before the Board of Registration in Medicine, Board of Registration in Pharmacy, etc. Personal Injury – Premises Liability Slip & Fall – Case involving elderly man who was caused to trip & fall at a local franchise restaurant resulting in multiple fractures (pending) Criminal – Fire Arm charges – charges involving possession and/or improper storage of fire arms Contract & Corporate Claims – Note Holder Action – Representation of entity holding multiple notes from a defaulting real estate funding entity. Misc. – License Revocation – Representation of an individual in reversing a life time motor vehicle license revocation Civil – Restraining Order Representation – Representation of individuals seeking and those defending against restraining orders applications Tort – Wrongful Arrest – Representation of an individual wrongfully detained and arrested Probate & Family Court – representation of a divorced father living abroad in a custody battle with his mother-in-law after the death of his ex-wife. In this case the grandmother attempted to retain custody of her grandson after the death of her daughter. Our client, the divorced father, was living abroad and had limited visitation with his son prior to the death of the boy’s mother, our client’s ex-wife. Criminal – attempted murder – representation of a young woman who gave birth to a child and was then accused of attempting to discard the newly born infant. Criminal – Larceny – Representation of a professional client accused of being a member of a conspiracy that stole large sums of money from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Crisis Management – Representation of an individual and related family business as the individual was involved in an accident rendering the victim a quadriplegic. Initial representation for the criminal charges and subsequent representation as personal counsel in the civil litigation that followed. Misc. – Employer representation – representation of employer in regards to theft by employee Misc. – Records Sealing & Revision – Representation of numerous clients in efforts to seal criminal records or otherwise |
Criminal CasesSuperior Court & Federal CasesFIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of man charged with the killing of a Boston Police Officer while at the Area A police station in Boston, Massachusetts.
FIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of woman charged with the killing her husband by stabbing him over a hundred times, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity. FIRST DEGREE MURDER - Defense of man charged with the death of his child with allegations of “Shaken Baby Syndrome.” FIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of man charged with the shooting death at a nightclub. FIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of a man charged with strangulation killing of woman with ligature, whose conviction was overturned on appeal. FIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of man charged with the shooting death of a man who was shot at close range. DRUG DISTRIBUTION CONSPIRACY – Defense of man federally charged with distribution conspiracy in the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts. MEDICAL BILLING FRAUD – Defense of a medical doctor charged with medical billing fraud. SEXUAL ASSAULT – Defense of prison guard charged with sexual assault of inmates. CHECK KITING – Defense of business under investigation by U.S. Attorneys Office for allegations of “Check Kiting.” MOTOR VEHICLE HOMICIDE – Defense of man charged with motor vehicle homicide related to the death of an elderly pedestrian. MOTOR VEHICLE HOMICIDE – Defense of a young woman who was charged with the motor vehicle death of a motorcyclist. DRUG DISTRIBUTION CONSPIRACY – Defense of an alleged gang member charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics. OPERATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE – Defense of hundreds of cases where defendants have been charged with operating under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, as either first or multiple offenders. 209A RESTRAINING ORDER – Defending numerous individuals charged with violation of restraining orders, and individuals who are the subject of allegation of domestic abuse. ASSAULT AND BATTERY – Defending numerous cases involving allegation of assault and battery. HOME INVASION – Defense of individual charged with armed home invasion. TARGET OF GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION – Defending numerous targets of state and federal prosecutors who are the subject of grand jury investigations. HIT AND RUN – Defense of man charged with OUI and leaving the scene of an accident that resulting in the loss of limb of alleged victim. FIRST DEGREE MURDER – Defense of man charged with the shooting of a minor. DRUG POSSESSION – Defense of numerous clients charged with possession of various amounts of illegal drugs. Probate & Family Law CasesDIVORCE ACTION - Representing Wife in Divorce Action with Assets estimated in excess of 1 Billion.
DIVORCE ACTION - Representing Hedge Fund Manager in Divorce Matter involving division of marital estate DIVORCE ACTION – Case involving allegations of money secreted in Swiss Banks in which Swiss counsel was retained to penetrate Swiss Banking secrecy laws. REMOVAL OF CHILDREN FROM STATE – Case involving joint custody of two minor children in which the mother sought to remove the children from Massachusetts to northern New Hampshire. Mason v. Coleman REMOVAL ACTION – Representation of Mother to allow her to move with child to Florida in spite of opposition of ex-spouse father. CUSTODY DISPUTE – Case involving a dispute between parents as to whom should have primary physical custody of two children. CUSTODY DISPUTE – Case involving mother’s claim that she should be granted sole legal and physical custody as a result of he father’s malfeasance. DIVORCE ACTION – Case involving the valuation of billboards located throughout the United States. CIVIL CONTEMPT ACTION – Case involving award of attorneys fees and sanctions for failure to pay child support. DIVORCE ACTION – Case involving the imputation of income to a woman who was allegedly underemployed. MODIFICATION ACTION/SANCTIONS – Defense of father when ex-spouse Mother sought increase in child support case, in which the opposing party was sanctioned over $30,000.00 for causing undue litigation costs related to her failed complaint for modification. GRANDPARENT VISITATION – Case involving grandmother who sought to maintain a relationship with her grandchild. ESTATE ADMINISTRATION – Case involving the valuation of business revenues and a stream of payments under the decedent’s deferred compensation plan. DIVORCE ACTON – Case involving emergency motions and temporary orders for support of Wife. DIVORCE ACTION – Case involving the valuation of securities and business assets. MODIFICATION ACTION – Case involving the post divorce modification of child support. DIVORCE ACTION – Case involving allegations of unreported income and undisclosed assets. CIVIL CONTEMPT ACTION – Case involving claims of civil contempt by party’s alleged failure to comply with the terms and conditions of Separation Agreement. MODIFICATION ACTION – Case involving modification of separation agreement and divorce judgment as it pertains to the custody of minor children and visitation schedule. WILL CONTEST – Multiple cases involving will contest where the will was challenged on the allegation of undue influence. Miscellaneous & Unique CasesHUMAN SHIELD, United Nations Claim – Case involving United Nations claim against Saddam Hussein for human rights violations and use of plaintiff as human shield prior to the first Gulf War.
Representation of a business owner allegedly involved in a hit and run automobile accident rendering an individual quadriplegic. Investigatory stage representation to prevent the issuance of any criminal charges and subsequent civil litigation representation of the owner to insure to successful resolution of the civil litigation. Representation of young defendant who was subject to substantial overcharging by the local police. Contract & Corporation Claim representation Employee in dispute with employee in dispute with employer regarding wrongful termination. Partners dispute representation of partner attorney upon his departure/termination from Boston law firm Misc – representation of numerous individuals in disputes with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, usually involving the revocation of license to operate motor vehicles. Representation of the seller’s of nursing homes against the buyers who failed to pay the full amount owed. Criminal – assault & battery – many of these allegations made by spouses in the context of divorce action. Divorce – multiple cases of representation of individuals involved in divorce who were involved in the banking industry. Criminal - minor in possession of alcohol. Defense of numerous young clients charged with illegal possession of alcohol and other related offenses. Misc. – Multiple representation of home and/or business owners in conflict with various zoning boards, historic commissions, Conservation Commissions, Board of Alderman and other related agencies. Misc. – DSS, DCF & Office of Elder Affairs investigations representations of numerous parents alleged to have neglected and/or abused their children. Divorce – representation of husband in a divorce action who was alleged to have fraudulently transferred a substantial marital asset to his children. Custody – Representation of mother seeking sole custody of her daughter. Custody – Representation of father seeking primary custody of three young children. Misc. – Representation of restaurant in liquor liability action. Misc. – Representation of restaurant in action to increase occupancy permit number. Criminal – anonymous client representation. Research and resolve potential criminal liability of clients of numerous law firms. Misc. – Board of Bar Overseers representation. Representation of lawyers facing disciplinary complaints before the Board of Bar Overseers. Divorce – Case involving the valuation of liquor stores Criminal – Clerk’s Hearing – Representation of numerous individuals against whom criminal complaints were sought at the clerk’s hearing level Misc. – college and university disciplinary boards representation of numerous undergrad and graduate students subjected to disciplinary process by their college or universities Divorce – case involving the valuation of significant Boston real estate holdings Divorce – representation husband against whom the wife sought to receive a share of his inheritance Divorce – Representation of multiple individuals whose wealth consisted primarily of holdings in non-publically traded corporate shares Contract & Corporate Litigation – Real Estate Disputes – Representation of multiple sellers of real estate in actions against defaulting buyers Criminal – Employee representation. Often retained by employers to represent their employees for allegations of various criminal conduct. Divorce – Modification & Complaint Actions – Representation of spouses in numerous modification and contempt actions in which one spouse either seeks to change the terms of a divorce judgment/ agreement or pursues the other for violating the terms of the divorce judgment/agreement. Misc. – Victim Representation – Representation of various victims of crimes to assist in the criminal process and any subsequent civil litigation thereafter. Beth Din |
Address77 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110